пятница, 10 июля 2009 г.

7 Tips to Stay Motivated with the 17 Day Diet (Free PDF Download)

7 Tips to Stay Motivated with the 17 Day Diet (Free PDF Download)
Here are 7 quick and easy tips to help keep you on track and motivated to stick with your 17 Day Diet weight loss plan!

Staying motivated while on a diet can be difficult if you allow it to be. Here are 7 tips to stay motivated so you see results with the 17 Day Diet.

1. Variety is King

Variety at meal time is crucial if you’re planning on sticking with your diet. Keeping your menus fresh, varied and flavorful is extremely important if you don’t want to burn out and allow food boredom to set in.

We all know what happens when you become tired of eating the same chicken breast and green bean dinner – you give up and give in to the temptations of chocolate cake and pizza creeping into the back of your mind.

If funds are tight or you’re not a fish lover, rather than adding different protein sources to your meals, try adding variety to your menu by experimenting with different herbs and seasonings. This, if done right, can be a game changer at dinner time!

A personal favorite of mind is Flavor God seasonings. This particular brand is made fresh, is gluten free, kosher, low sodium, contains no MSG, GMO-free, and soy-free. Flavor God seasonings contain no sugar or nuts, and have a shelf life of 12 months! So if you’re looking for a different take on chicken and veggies, try this seasoning and see how motivated you become to stick with your weight loss plan.

Give your chicken and veggie dinner a kick with Flavor God Seasonings. You are going to love the new dimension this seasoning gives your food!

2. Surround Yourself With Positive Influences

Surrounding yourself with supportive people who “get you” and your struggles can be the difference you need to stick with your weight loss plan. If you’re a naturally pessimistic person, find others who are optimistic and who can lift you up rather than bring you down.

Take our private Facebook group for the 17 Day Diet, for example. We have over 6,000 members in our group and we have so much fun. From swapping recipes to cheering each other on, the group is full of supportive members who are making progress with their weight loss.

The C1 Challenge, for instance, is the perfect platform to surround yourself with like-minded individuals during Cycle 1 of the 17 Day Diet — this phase is usually the most difficult, yet the most crucial for your weight loss success, so it’s extremely helpful to have this community at your fingertips!

Having a support system, even if it’s others on social media that you’ve never met or don’t know personally, can be very motivating and encouraging. Knowing there’s someone who understands your struggles and offers words of encouragement can be very empowering and will help keep you moving in the right direction.

3. Have an Accountability Plan or Partner

Having an accountability plan or partner in place is a sure way to help you stick with your weight loss plan. Ask a friend at work to check in with you each week to help keep you on track. A spouse or partner who is also on the same weight loss journey is a win-win – keeping each other accountable and motivated helps keep the momentum going. When you have accountability and momentum, you’re also going to see results and seeing results will keep you motivated!

4. Plan Ahead to Save Time and Avoid Temptation

Planning your menus, recipes and grocery list ahead of time is the key to success when it comes to your weight loss journey. Plan week by week so you don’t overwhelm yourself. If you don’t have time to round up a week’s worth of 17 Day Diet compliant recipes, consider a done-for-you meal planning option such as C1 Slim Down™ or Simple N’ Lean 17™.

Carefully plan out your meals, set a game plan for a grocery list and subsequent shopping trip and food prep. Bulk prepping, while it may take some time before hand, can be a lifesaver, not to mention time saver, the week of your meals.

Consider setting aside a few hours of your weekend preparing your proteins and vegetables for your lunches and dinners. After a long day at work during the week, knowing parts of your meals are already cooked and ready to be assembled and served, can be the difference between ordering pizza at the last minute and having a healthful, home-cooked meal.

Preparing your menus, recipes and grocery lists before hand is the key to a successful 17 Day Diet and weight loss!

You’ll also want to consider planning out snacks for the week and weekend. Not sure what to eat when you’re hungry? Make a few extra servings of your meals and snack on flavorful mini meals — this will not only keep you fueled for energy, but will also keep you from grabbing the easy-to-eat processed snack foods that can derail your weight loss in a matter of minutes.

If you find yourself eating out during your diet, don’t fret. If you know ahead of time the restaurant you’re dining at, find their menu online, decide ahead of time what you’ll order, and you’ll instantly take out the stress and temptation that sometimes come along for the dining-out ride.

5. Keep a Journal

Feeling a bit overwhelmed or emotional? No worries! If you plan out your weekly meals, do a bit of prep before hand, you’re going to free up time to participate in healthy emotional journaling while munching on your pre-planned healthy snacks.

If you consistently use journaling as a healthy emotional outlet rather than reaching for comfort food, you’re going to find your relationship with food will change. Plan ahead, pick up a journal and get those feelings down on paper (and yes, use paper and a pen — your brain needs that “dump”).

6. Positivity is Key

In life, positivity is the key to success. This goes for every facet of your life whether it be business, personal, weight loss, relationships and more.

You can stay in a positive mindset a few different ways:

Daily affirmations

Craft several present-tense positive affirmations and repeat them every morning before you get out of bed, and every evening before you go to sleep. An example of a positive affirmation would be: “I let go of any guilt I hold around food choices.”

If you do this consistently, you’ll start to see a shift in your mindset. This can be a very powerful exercise that can have immediate effects on your weight loss.


Vision board

A vision board is a great visual reminder of what you want to achieve in your life. Your vision board may contain anything you desire – wealth, happiness, material things, weight loss, family, dream vacations, and the like.

Your vision board may be constructed using paper, glue and cutouts from magazines that represent your desires, hopes and dreams. If you’re living the digital lifestyle, you may use a secret Pinterest board or other online visual platform to document your dreams and goals. The idea behind the vision board is to view it daily and for it to serve as a constant reminder of what you want to attract in your life.

Positive People

As mentioned earlier, surrounding yourself with positive and uplifting people will dramatically increase your chances of sticking with your plan, seeing results and keeping you on the right path. They say, “you become who you hang out with”. Make sure you’re extremely selective of who you choose to surround yourself with and also be an encouraging and supportive friend to others as well.

No More Excuses

This is a big one. If you give yourself excuses of why you can’t stick with a plan for more than a few days, then you’ll never stick with a plan for more than a few days. Tell yourself, “No more excuses!” and stick to it! Changing your mindset is key, and getting rid of the “I can’t, I don’t, I won’t” in your vocabulary will increase your success rate in weight loss AND your life in general. If you’re looking for a bit of inspiration, check out this video about excuses:

7. Set Realistic Goals

Goal setting can either keep you on track for success or derail you. Setting a large goal such as “lose 30 pounds in 30 days” may not be realistic and achievable, and therefore if you don’t attain the large goal, you may feel defeated and give up.

Setting realistic goals is key to keeping yourself on the right path and celebrating success, even if the successes are small! Every celebration is one piece of the main objective, and with each milestone achieved is one step closer to realizing your dreams.

Consider creating small mini goals you help keep you motivated. A mini goal could include drinking eight 8oz glasses of water per day. Another mini goal could include sticking with your meal plan for seven days without getting off track. Another mini goal could include losing three pounds in one week. When these mini goals are achieved, they are keeping you aligned with your overall objective of your weight loss plan, and when you achieve your goals, you gain momentum and when you gain momentum, you are encouraged to stay motivated to stick with your weight loss plan.

Original article and pictures take 17ddblog.com site

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