четверг, 18 июля 2013 г.

How to Survive as the Only Dieter in Your Family

How to Survive as the Only Dieter in Your Family
Are you the only one on a diet in your family? Learn what other dieters do to help with this!

Being the only member of your family on the 17 Day Diet can be tricky at times. Do you make two separate meals for dinner — one for you and another for your kids and spouse/partner? How about the temptations of cooking the “extras” for your family? Are you likely to stick to your diet or cheat here and there?

I posed the question to the 17DD Blog’s Facebook page recently:

“Is your family on the 17 Day Diet with you, or are you having to prepare two separate meals? Tell me how you deal with this while dieting. I’d love to know!”

Here are a few of the answers from fellow dieters and fans of the blog:

They can pretty much eat the same thing only I usually give them a starch such as a potato, bread or pasta with the meal. Some meals I will have to cook something separate. If they want burgers on the grill, I will throw me on a chicken breast or turkey burger. — Lisa L.

Lisa’s response is what I would normally do if I’m dieting and my boyfriend is not. It’s easy to prepare a healthy, 17 Day Diet approved meal and add a starch for your family.

Here’s another response from fellow dieter, Wanda:

I do the same as Lisa but my kids are older and both work, they know grocery day has no junk food in it so if they want it they have to go get it..I won’t!!– Wanda G.

Although I don’t have children, I love Wanda’s advice! If you want it, you get it yourself! Priceless!

I’m starting tomorrow and although they will be eating [different breakfast] and lunch, almost all of the dinners will be the same and they will be asked to taste it when I fix something extra for them. — Courtney J.

Great response from Courtney! What a great way to incorporate the “healthier” menu to the kids by asking them to taste test.

And lastly, we hear from Diane with her advice:

When our kids are home from college, we separate their non-17dd food in our second refrigerator. Then, we make them take it with them when they head back to school. They seem to enjoy the on plan dinners we prepare–I’m sure healthy, wholesome, non-processed food. — Diane W.

What are your tips when you’re the only person in your family on a diet? I’d love to hear your responses below!

Original article and pictures take 17ddblog.com site