среда, 17 июня 2009 г.

7 Tips on How to Survive Halloween on the 17 Day Diet

7 Tips on How to Survive Halloween on the 17 Day Diet
Pin Now, Read Later: 7 Simple Tips to Survive Halloween (and still lose weight) while on the 17 Day Diet #17ddblog

Halloween is right around the corner and pretty soon the ghosts and goblins will be knocking on our doors screaming, “Trick or Treat!” We’ll have candy waiting for them…and almost more scary than that, we’ll have candy sitting around haunting us!

I’m sure it’s been on our minds the last few days…”How am I going to be able to survive the temptations of Halloween?”

For many of us, being on the 17 Day Diet is somewhat of a sacrifice cutting out all sugar and most carbs from our diet. For those who don’t have a sweet tooth, congratulations! You’re one of the lucky few. For the rest of us, here are a few tips to help you survive the spooky Halloween holiday:

1. Buy your candy at the last minute.

If you eliminate bags of candy “just hanging around” your house days prior to the holiday, you won’t have the urge to eat “a piece here or a piece there”.

2. Keep sweet treats hidden.

If you must buy candy prior to Halloween, keep the candy hidden in a drawer until Halloween night. If it’s out of sight, it’s out of mind (just don’t forget to get it ready for the kiddies that night).

3. Don’t be the one at home giving out candy.

Instead, be the parent who takes your children out in the neighborhood trick-or-treating. By leaving the house where the candy would otherwise be tempting you, you’ll be out walking, having fun and keeping yourself preoccupied. You won’t think twice about the candy!

4. Eat a well-balanced meal prior to engagements.

If you have been invited to a Halloween party, make sure you eat a high-protein, high-fiber, low-carb meal. If you absolutely feel it necessary, eat a piece of fruit to take care of your sweet tooth (allow yourself one piece of small fruit after 2pm just for this holiday only).

5. When the holiday is over, get rid of the candy…quick!

You heard it right, don’t keep candy in the house for days on end after Halloween has come and gone. If you can, try to eliminate your candy stash the night of Halloween.

6. It’s mind over matter.

Remember, if you tell yourself you “can’t” have the candy, your body will tell you differently. You’ll end up cheating if you think this way. Instead, tell yourself you don’t “want” the candy. You’ll be surprised how well this method works.

7. It’s not the end of the world.

If all else fails and you end up having a piece or two, tell yourself it’s “OK” and tomorrow is a new day!

Original article and pictures take 17ddblog.com site

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