вторник, 18 июня 2013 г.

How to Eat Like a Football Fan and NOT Gain Weight

How to Eat Like a Football Fan and NOT Gain Weight
How to eat like a football fan and not gain weight!

Football season is in full swing — this means games will be played each week and that always involves food.

How do you eat like your favorite guy (a football fan) without gaining weight in the process?

It’s about smart choices and portion control…

Here are a few tips to keep your waist in check while still enjoying your tailgate time:

1. Fill up on the healthy veggies — Your guy is begging for carrot and celery sticks…with ranch dip. Consider concocting your favorite veggie dip using fat free greek yogurt or sour cream.

2. Depending on which cycle you’re on, make 1 oz turkey or beef meatballs with your favorite low-carb, low-sugar barbecue sauce. Who needs a bun when you’ve got savory little snacks to munch on?

3. Fill up on fiber. Yes, eat apples and and add low-fat cheese (in moderation) for that extra treat.

4. Exercise the morning of a game so you feel like you can have a little extra of this or that. Coming into a tailgate party with calories already burned is a great way to start your game.

5. Keep alcohol to a minimum. If you’re in Cycle 3, have a glass of wine or a 12oz beer. Just one.

6. Chicken is your friend — nothing is better than munching on grilled chicken skewers during a game. Try different low-carb, low-sugar dipping sauces for added flavor and zing!

7. Drink plenty of water — water is your best friend during game time. Not only does it keep you hydrated and help push fiber along, it also keeps you feeling fuller longer so you don’t feel like you need to eat during the entire game. For an added twist, try a lemon or lime wedge.

Original article and pictures take 17ddblog.com site

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