вторник, 15 октября 2013 г.

Journals and Other Tools to Help you Lose Weight

Journals and Other Tools to Help you Lose Weight
Journals and Other Tools to Help you Lose Weight

Long before I started the 17 Day Diet, I was losing weight on my own without following a “diet”.

I was eating whatever I wanted to, but cutting my portions in half.

I lost weight.

It took some time to lose the weight, but one of the reasons I was successful (besides limiting portions) was the fact that I kept track of everything I ate.

I also had a daily weigh-in log so I could review past weeks to see how I was doing, to check on food intake and figure out why I was at a plateau or why I was gaining weight.

Fast forward a few years and I started my 17 Day Diet Blog. I used these same food journals and weigh-in logs that I had once created to keep track of my progress…and it still worked!

I have a lot of free tools on this blog to help you along the way. Here are just a few:

1. Food Journal

2. Weight Loss Chart

3. Contract with Myself

Weight Loss Contract To Myself
Weight Loss Contract To Myself for the 17 Day Diet

Now, these free tools should work just fine. However, if you’re looking for something a bit more, you may browse my store for more in-depth tools such as planned menus and recipes.

If you’re on the go like me, you’ll find all of my meal planning kits are mobile-friendly. All the food journals and daily weight trackers are fillable PDF forms that you can save on your computer or your tablet and use them daily all while saving your entries for future use and review.

I had one blog reader email me some time ago. She could not understand why she was not losing weight on Cycle 1 anymore.

Luckily, she had kept track of her exact food intake on the helpful food journals that come with Simple N’ Lean 17 that she had purchased here on the blog. She was to review her logs for the last week to see where her diet had changed.

Sure enough, she had decreased her protein intake because she simply was not hungry and her body decided it would hold on to the food she was feeding it, and as a result she stopped losing weight. Because she had been keeping track of her food intake using the food journals, she was able to quickly correct the problem and she began seeing results again.

Original article and pictures take 17ddblog.com site

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