понедельник, 8 мая 2017 г.

Tuna and Egg Salad (mayo-free and yummy!)

Tuna and Egg Salad (mayo-free and yummy!)

While my boyfriend made a tuna sandwich drenched in mayo, I opted for a more healthier version of the classic tuna and egg salad. Here are the ingredients I started with:


1 Can Solid White Albacore Tuna (in water)

1 Tablespoon Sweet Pickle Relish

1 Heaping Tablespoon Fat Free Plain Yogurt (or more to taste)

1 Whole Egg, boiled

Handful favorite lettuce

Salt and Pepper, to taste

3-4 Cherry Tomatoes


Drain tuna fish and add to bowl. Mix in sweet pickle relish and fat free plain yogurt. Cut up boiled egg and add to mixture. Salt and pepper to taste.

Top your favorite lettuce with the tuna salad. Garnish with 3-4 cherry tomatoes. Enjoy!

Approved for all cycles

Yields 1 Serving

Easy tuna and egg salad -- without mayo-- very delicious and healthy for you!
Easy tuna and egg salad -- without mayo-- very delicious and healthy for you!

6 Ingredient Tuna and Egg Salad -- mayo free -- and healthy for you!
6 Ingredient Tuna and Egg Salad -- mayo free -- and healthy for you!

Perfect Tuna and Egg Salad (mayo free and yummy too!)
Perfect Tuna and Egg Salad (mayo free and yummy too!)

The tomatoes add just the right burst of juicy flavor in between your bites.

Yummy mayo-free tuna and egg salad - made with yogurt for a healthier alternative
Yummy mayo-free tuna and egg salad - made with yogurt for a healthier alternative

Original article and pictures take 17ddblog.com site

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