понедельник, 8 февраля 2016 г.

Recipe Ideas for the C1 17 Day Diet Challenge

Recipe Ideas for the C1 17 Day Diet Challenge
Cycle 1 Recipes for the 17 Day Diet - curated for the C1 Challenge

Check out my recipe ideas for Cycle 1 of the 17 Day Diet.

Each quarter I host the blog’s C1 Challenge, and I always see awesome results from participants when we have our daily Facebook chats inside of our private Facebook group. However, many participants do get a bit bored with our favorite lean protein, chicken. I can’t imagine why! ;)

This is a common issue we face — we get bored with our menu choices, and often this is one of the main reasons for falling off the weight loss wagon.

Here is a curation of my favorite blog recipes that are Cycle 1 friendly, designed to give you full flavor with huge impact, and are easy to make so you’re not spending a lot of time in the kitchen!

Enjoy your veggies and fruit inside this decadent, but easy-to-make soup! Carrot & Apple soup is the perfect lunch for your 17 Day Diet weight loss plan! Pin for recipe

This was a huge hit in the January 2015 Challenge. Many participants were hesitant about trying this recipe, but 100% of those who did fell madly in love with it. Try it for yourself!

Here is a healthy version of chicken fajitas sent in by blog reader, Karen R.

This was a recipe a past C1 Challenge Participant posted on one of the Facebook chats. With a little bit of creativity, we can turn our chicken into a wonderfully delicious meal (so much so you’ll want seconds!).

Grown up tuna salad for the 17 Day Diet (modified)

This is a gluten-free recipe I found online that I modified for the 17 Day Diet. The 17 Day Diet is so flexible that you can transform almost any recipe into a healthy alternative. If you’re tired of chicken, this tuna salad will be a much welcomed addition!

cinco de mayo mexican chicken rub

This is a personal favorite of mine! This is based on a family recipe that I’ve modified over the years. The fruit (tomatoes) salsa makes this dish so fresh and it literally sings in your mouth! Creativity is key! With a few spices and some yummy seasonings, you can transform your chicken into a whole new experience!

Looking to adda little Asian flare to your menu this week? This is the perfect healthy alternative to those not-so-healthy dishes (think anything sweet and deep fried). There’s nothing like the cool, crisp of fresh lettuce with hot chicken! I love it and think you will, too!

Original article and pictures take 17ddblog.com site

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